Home Sweet Home

In home newborn sessions are offered with a professional newborn photographer to capture the freshness and precious moments of newborn life.

Brisbane newborn photographer, Tahlia, specialises in natural light photography and is fully equipped and flexible to shoot your newborn photography session within your own home.

As parents you may have spent some time nesting before baby’s arrival - Tahlia uses the natural light within your home to capture newborns within their own nutured, safe space. Tahlia will focus on a select few areas of your home during the newborn session, so you do not need to feel your entire house must be tidied or organised before the session.

A lifestyle newborn photography session also includes portraits with siblings and family to capture your connection, as well as documenting every little detail of your newborn’s features - they grow before our eyes!

If a lifestyle newborn photography approach isn’t for you, Wylde Folk Studio also offers studio and Fresh48 sessions - you can view more of Tahlia’s work in our Newborn photography portfolio.